Thursday, October 3, 2013

I Wanna Be A Fit Mama: Catching Up!

*Disclaimer:  I am not selling any products & I'm also not being sold any or paid in any way.  My husband bought Insanity online months ago, so I decided to try it.  All opinions are my own.

Boy!  I have been so pooped from all this exercise, that I have been falling asleep each night and not keeping up with blogging!  Forgive me.  I need to keep up with it to keep myself honest with you, but also with myself.  

Here is how I've been eating lately:





Kinda blew it some today.

I was feeling really stressed out & had a cookie binge!!!  LORDY!!  490 calories of cookies!!!  (It was pretty yummy though)  Anyway, I do not want to lean on cookies when I feel stressed.  I want to lean on JESUS when I feel stressed.  That's what I want to learn.  

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary & burdened, & I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you & learn from me, for I am gentle & humble in heart, & you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy & my burden is light."  Matthew 11:28-30 NIV

The last few days I have been dragging.  I'm finding it hard to finish the Insanity workouts.  They are pretty intense.  Let me give you an idea what's it's like:

I'm going to keep at it though because I want to be a fit mama.  I want to have energy, be healthier & set a good example for my kids.  See you soon!

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