I was so excited about Halloween. I thought about it way ahead of time. I imagined my kids in the cutest costumes. Then, I felt like maybe I was going to end up overdoing it & getting everyone all stressed out, so I decided to make it simple this year. Right?
Cute, right? So practical & they can use them after Halloween! They were $8.99 each at Crazy8. I was super proud of myself, but then I had to go & complicate things.
First, I decided to make Katie a princess dress. Then, she also had to have a pre-historic costume for school. So, I was thinking she could use Jack's dragon hoodie (kinda like a dinosaur).
Fast forward to Halloween. Katie wore the hoodie to school & it was my day with Jack by himself. It was one of those days! Just plain awful. Fits, crying, spankings all.day.long. I was exhausted when I went to pick up Katie from school. I brought the kids home & put them both down for a nap & I set to finish up Katie's dress. I looked at the clock & it was almost time for my husband to get home from work & I hadn't even started dinner. He had a super long day (up at 5am!) & would be ready to eat & tired. It is then that I realized that we left Jack's costume at her school! So, Jack no longer had a costume. The only boy costume we had left in the house was what he wore last year. #mommyfail
My husband came home tired & a little stressed. I was exhausted. For some reason, Jack was crying about everything. No dinner was ready. Nobody was in their costumes. We had to make a decision.
Spencer went to get Taco Bell while I thought about it & he thought about it. We decided the boys were going to watch a movie & pass out candy to the trick or treaters. Katie & I would go out Trick or treating. Somehow, I finished her costume & she looked adorable:
She also had a blast. Super sweet night.
It turned out pretty well considering the long, crazy day.
Today was such a peaceful, happy day with the kids. No stress. Everybody was in a great mood. Such a different day & that's how it as a parent of 2 littles. It changes constantly. It definitely keeps me on my toes, but it also teaches me what really matters. I am learning to shrug off a lot of the things that make us crazy & to keep it simple - -LOVE. I need to just LOVE them. Everything else is just details.
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