Friday, February 4, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award??

This week I've been trying to make an effort to post something every day.  Even if it's something little.  Just to keep the content flowing, ya know?  However, today I hadn't got around to it & noticed I just got a sweet comment from one of the followers of our blog.  Her name is Amelia and her blog is called Savory & Sweet.  She said,

"You guys have such a cool and creative blog. I would love to pass on a Stylish Blogger Award to you!  Come over to my blog and pick it up. :)"

Awards are nice, aren't they?  They make us feel like we're doing something that is worthwhile; at least to someone out there : )

So, here's how the award goes:

To Accept The Award Requirements 
1)  Thank and Link Back to the Blogger Who Awarded You With The Award
2)  Share 7 Things About Yourself 
3)  Award 15 Recently Discovered Great Bloggers Contact The Bloggers & Inform Them of The Award

Seven things about me:

*I am not the only contributor of this blog (see blog header), so I'm going to try to tell you about us.
1)  Started this blog last June after seeing a really cute blog somewhere with several ladies contributing.  I thought, "That's how you keep a blog interesting.  Multiple contributors!"
2)  I am a stay-at-home mama with a 21 month old daughter named Katie & one on the way


  I love to decorate, organize, paint, I'm learning to sew & use a Cricut.  I have worked on & off as a professional organizer, but rarely have time anymore.  That is why this blog is so fun for me.
3)  Jamie is my sister & works as an Interior Designer for Celtic Kitchen & Bath Design Center in Jupiter, FL.  She also sews, quilts & aspires toward all things crafty.  She is an extremely talented woman.

4)  Heidi has been my friend for years.  Since maybe 1999?  Anyway, we have a ton in common.  Stay-at-home mamas, crafty, hilarious : )  Anyway, she does a little of it all & is always coming up with new ideas.  We just bounce them off each other.  She is lovely.

5)  Amy has been my friend since college 1995 or 1996?  Anyway, she's a very close friend, a passionate woman.  She challenges me to grow as a person in every way.  We should all have friends like her.  She also, like me & Heidi is a stay-at-home mama living, currently, in Houston, TX, but is an Arkansas transplant.  She has done some work as an organizer as well, but would be well suited to just about anything she puts her mind to do.  I think of her as Martha Stewart Jr.  She is a world of knowledge about all sorts of little details about things I would never remember, but I'm glad she does!  She is a gem.

6)  Katie and I have been friends since 2000 I think.  She is a very down-to-earth, funny gal.  Mom of 2.  She is a nurse, but is also quite crafty.  She makes lovely things with paper & throws a good shower or birthday party.  She is also an extremely organized woman,  I think she should start writing us some posts on that!!

7)  Kanya and I met in our Bradley birthing class when we were pregnant with our first babies.  We started walking together and realized we had a lot in common!  She has her hands in every creative thing.  She crochets, paints, revamps furniture,  sews, you name it, she's into it.  I'm excited for our readers to see her many talents in her posts to come.

The 15 Fabulous Home & Design Bloggers I would like to celebrate & also share with you are:

1)  Southern Hospitality Wonderful woman, great decorating ideas

2)   Stories of A to Z Constantly updating her site with her current projects

3)  Young House Love They take you step by step as they renovate their house

4)  two ellie one of my favorite blogs.  spend an afternoon & read the whole thing!

5)  My Blessed Life positive blog, constantly updated

6)  Lettered Cottage DIY, interior design blog

7)  Spearmint Baby Crafty Mama blog

8)  Centsational Girl DIY, design

9)  The Nester "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful" is her tagline

10)  Southern Fried Dreams Cute AR girl, Willow House Rep, fun decorating projects

11)  The Inspired Room Easy home decorating ideas

12)  Tidy Mom Decorating, Organizing, cooking, very well-rounded mom blog

13)  Michabella Christian home blogger, lots of giveaways!

14)  Beauty and Bedlam Frugal mom blogger

15)  Tip Junkie Tips on everything!  She gathers up tips from all over the web & organizes them all for you on her site.  Brilliant lady!
Have a wonderful weekend all! xoxo


  1. How delightful, thanks so much!!! Quite a crew you've assembled, honored to be included. You gals have such wonderful ideas here! Thanks again for the award and linky love.

  2. What a wonderful group of friends you have!! And thank you so much for the award, I'm honored to be in your list! Thank you so much!!!

  3. What an awesome list to be a part of!! and what a wonderful group of friends you have a great thing going here!!

    Thanks again for the love!!♥

  4. Thanks so much ladies! I'm honored to be amongst such deserving company! Blessings to you and your blog ;).

  5. thank you so much! A pro organizer would have been helpful this past week ;)
