Wednesday, February 2, 2011

LOVE is in the Air!

There has always been a part of me that wants to be that mom that decorates for every holiday BIG or small.... Sooo, with Valentine's Day quickly approaching and not being able to leave the house due to the icey roads and snow, I came across a blog called The Idea Room. She had made a really cute heart wreath out of felt circles and a styrofoam heart (See Post here). She was inspired by a post she saw at Design Sponge.  

Since I had neither of the supplies they used,  I started looking for stuff around the house to craft with....  BINGO!

So, Mcguyver eat your heart out, I had a wire hanger and a roll of red tulle. 

I formed the wire hanger into a heart.  

Tied the two ends together with a piece of tulle (you could also hot glue it)

Then continued to tie pieces of tulle onto the hanger until it was covered.  I rotated between two different ways to tie the knots...

Here is what I ended up with:

To add a little more L-O-V-E to my living room I also pulled out a decorative plate I had sitting on top of my armoire.   I used the tulle had left and weaved it through all around, tying a bow to finish it.  Then I added this wonderful verse to it; in light of Valentine's Day.  

It now sits on my side table in the living room... I think I will start transforming this little plate to fit the season/holiday. ---why is this just now occurring to me?!?  

These were things I already had in the house and so, on top of being cute, LOVEY decor, it was also FREE!  

I hope this has inspired u on these cold winter days to turn something drab into something fab!!!