Friday, October 11, 2013

¡Tacos Sobre Polenta!

Polenta!  Have you tried it?  I bought it the other day & it has sat in my cabinet while I thought about how to use it.  I wasn't really sure what to expect, but I figured with corn as a base, something taco-like sounded good.

One very cool thing about polenta is that 2 1/2 inch slices are just 70 calories.  Motivating.

So, I started gathering supplies: cilantro, salsa verde, shredded colby & monterey cheese, green onions & bell peppers.

Next, I just sliced the polenta & cooked it up in my griddle.

Eating the rainbow right here folks:

It was super good.  Even my husband liked it!  Just 343 calories for the whole dinner.

Then, I used the leftovers for breakfast.  Just added poached eggs, cheese, onions, cilantro & of course, salsa verde.  Just 224 calories.  Polenta, right?

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